A loan may be available if you are planning to study at the following levels with Access Training:
These courses are delivered flexibly via 1-1 support from your dedicated Trainer Assessor.
Eligible individuals must be aged 19+ to qualify. Check if you qualify for help with the costs of these courses at Adult Learning Loan.
- Teaching Assistant Level 3
- Early Years Educator Level 3
- Business Administration Level 3
- Customer Service Level 3
- Adult Social Care Levels 3 and 4
- Healthcare Level 3
These courses are delivered flexibly via 1-1 support from your dedicated Trainer Assessor.
Eligible individuals must be aged 19+ to qualify. Check if you qualify for help with the costs of these courses at Adult Learning Loan.
Want to learn more about how you could benefit from a study loan? Contact our friendly Business Relationship Team using this form.